Difficulty level: Easy
Hey everyone! If you're making a park, and especially if you are making one for a contest, it may not always be desirable to have the actual park entrance be visible. In most of my parks I actually make the actual entrance that guests use to enther the park invisible so I can build a more elaborate one around it! In this tutorial I will show you how to make your park entrance invisible in a few simple steps.
Below, you can see the park entrance we will make invisible for this tutorial. First, in the options menu, make sure Cheats are enabled.
While holding the button for the cheat menu, locate the Tile Inspector in the drop-down list. Then with the Tile Inspector open, select the tile which one of the towers for the park entrance sits on. You can also hold down CTRL and then click one of the towers to immediately select it.
If you then click the Eye icon next to the Entrance element, it should become invisible.
You can then do the same for the other tower of the park entrance. If you accidentally made a different object invisible, you can make it visible again by clicking the eye box again. The empty box should then once again have a small eye in it. If you accidentally made a surface object invisible, you can then use the X and Y buttons in the top left to navigate to the tile again.
Finally, the center part of the park entrance can be made invisible. When you do this however, you will notice a gap in the path.
To fix this, we will copy and paste a path piece on the tile. Select a path tile next to the entrance, and use the Copy icon in the top of the Tile Inspector window. It is the icon that looks like two little white documents next to each other.
Then, on the tile with the missing path tile, click the paste icon. A path should now appear to fill in the gap. Make sure the path is above the entrance in the list! If you don't do this, the guests will not be able to use the entrance properly.
Finally, it will probably look nicer to remove the park fences that are still visible on the one tile. You can either use the cheat in the Cheat Menu to remove all park fences, or you can do it in the tile inspector. To do it in the tile inspector, select the tile with the fences, and then click on the Surface element in the list. Then click the button to Remove Park Fences.
Your park entrance is now invisible!
In the following video you can see me make a nice entrance for the park, and one of the first things I do is make the park entrance invisible!
If you are interested, here is a very old (and cringy) tutorial I made on how to make your park entrance invisible. In this video I also cover a method to do it using a custom park entrance object, but that is not allowed in most of my contests.