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Score: 8.95

Welcome to the Temple of the Forbidden Lapocho!

Take an adventure with famed archeologist Pennsylvania Junes. The Amazon is a dangerous place; it's full of smugglers, poisonous animals, and forbidden plants.
Lapocho is a rare plant located in a remote part of the Amazon and it has healing properties that lead to everlasting life. Join Pennsylvania Junes as he attempts
to acquire some samples and escape the rainforest in one piece.

Forbidden Lapocho the ride is an inverted coaster built to knock your socks off! Literally the first barrel roll was designed to provide enough G-Force to remove any footwear
its riders bring with them (people don't wear shoes in the Amazon). It features the patented "Swagtitties Loop-de-Triumph." Ride if you dare.

Adventures of the Temple is a splash boat exploration story ride. It mimics Disneyland's Indiana Jones Temple of the Forbidden Eye wherein riders are taken on an adventure
with Pennsylvania Junes. The boats speed up and slow down based on their surroundings to enhance excitement. They accelerate away from smugglers by the waterfall and race
towards the temple only to be scared away by the ancient gorilla protector.

Thank you for reading

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